A. Definition and formation of sole proprietorship
B. Sources of capital for sole proprietorship
C. Advantages and disadvantages of sole proprietorship
D. Definition and formation of partnership
E. Sources of capital for partnership
F. Advantages and disadvantages of partnership
G. Deeds of partnership
INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, learners should be able to:
1 Define and explain sole proprietorship and its formation.
2 List sources of capital for sole proprietorship.
A. Definition of public corporation
B. Features of public corporation
C. Advantages and disadvantages of public corporation
D. Definition and types of shares
E. Differences between stock and debentures
INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, learners should be able to:
1 Define public corporation.
2 State the features of public corporation.
A. Definition of private limited company
B. Characteristics of private limited company
C. Advantages and disadvantages of private limited company
D. Sources of fund available for private limited liability company
E. Definition of public limited liability (joint stock company)
F. Characteristics of public limited liability
G. Advantages and disadvantages of public limited liability
H. Sources of fund available for public limited liability company
I. Instruments for business finance
INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, learners should be able to:
1 Define private limited company.
2 State the features of private limited company.
3 Explain the advantages and disadvantages of private limited company.
4 Define public limited liability company.
A. Definition of population and census
B. Features of good population census
C. Types of population census
D. Reasons or importance of population census
E. Problems of population census in Nigeria
INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, learners should be able to:
1 State the meaning of population.
2 Define population census.
A. Determinants of population size and growth
B. Meaning of migration
C. Types of migration
D. Factors affecting of migration
E. Advantages and disadvantages of large population size
F. Rural urban migration
G. Population density
H. Ageing population
I. Declining population: advantages and implications
INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, learners should be able to:
1 Explain factors that determine the population size and and growth of a country.
2 Mention and explain factors affecting birth and death rates.
3 Define migration.
4 List and explain various types of migration.
A. Definition of over-population
B. Advantages and control of over-population
C. Under population: causes, advantages and implications
D. Optimum population: meaning and implications
E. Malthusian population theory: features and criticism
F. Demographic transition theory: meaning, stages, and criticism
INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, learners should be able to:
1 Define over-population.
2 Mention the advantages and control methods of over-population
3 Explain the meaning of under-population.
4 Mention the causes of under-population.
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A. Population distribution: age, geographical, sex, and occupational
B. Importance of age distribution
C. Areas and reasons for high and low population density in Nigeria
D. Rural–urban migration
E. Mathematical approach to population studies
INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, learners should be able to:
1 Explain clearly the meaning of age, sex, geographical and occupational distribution.
2 State the importance of age distribution.
3 Identify areas of low population density.
4 Itemize reasons for low population density in these areas.
A. Definition of labour market
B. Meaning of labour force
C. Factors affecting labour force
D. Efficiency of Labour: meaning
E. Factors influencing efficiency of Labour
F. Mobility of Labour: meaning and types
G. Factors affecting mobility of Labour
INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, learners should be able to:
1 Define labour market.
2 Explain the meaning of labour force.
3 Enumerate the factors affecting labour force.
4 Define efficiency of labour.
A. Definition of labour market
B. Meaning of labour force
C. Factors affecting labour force
D. Efficiency of Labour: meaning
E. Factors influencing efficiency of Labour
F. Mobility of Labour: meaning and types
G. Factors affecting mobility of Labour
INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, learners should be able to:
1 Define labour market.
2 Explain the meaning of labour force.
3 Enumerate the factors affecting labour force.
4 Define efficiency of labour.
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