Solar Energy Training in Nigeria
Our solar energy training programme is focussed on solar PV installations and these include hands-on activities, inspection of field installations and the application of solar weather data for optimum output of solar PV systems. The duration of the training is three (3) days. The first two days are for intensive 6-hour discussion on various topics in solar PV system. The third day is for site visit on our solar farm to inspect field installations. There is provision for tea break and lunch for every participant. You can check out our solar PV installation activities here.
Some of the training activities and articles are listed below:
1. Sizing of solar modules (or solar panels)
2. Roof mounting techniques and accessories
3. Sizing and installation of charge controllers, inverters, batteries, etc
4. Understanding the factors that determine the size of a battery bank
5. Preventive maintenance steps for solar battery bank
6. Identifying and selecting an optimum location for solar inverter
7. Solar inverter installation best practices
8. Solar module selection
9.Solar Battery Selection, Management & Maintenance
10. Preventive Maintenance of Solar Battery Bank
11. Solar Photovoltaic
Backup Hours Calculator for Battery Bank
To use the backup hours calculator, you need to provide the following input parameters in the GREEN CELLS. They are the inverter voltage, the battery capacity (in Amp/Hrs), and the total watts of all the appliances to be powered. Then the calculator will compute the total number of hours the battery bank can supply energy to the specified appliance(s).
Battery Bank Size Calculator
To use the battery bank Amp/Hrs calculator, you need to provide the following input parameters in the GREEN CELLS. They are the inverter voltage, the daily energy consumption (in Watt-Hour), the battery Depth of Discharge (DoD), ambient temperature factor and if necessary, the factor of safety. Then the calculator will compute the battery bank capacity (in Amp/Hrs) that is required to supply energy to the specified appliance(s) for the stated number of backup days.

Author: Ana Arm
Estd. 2013