SS1 Subjects 1st Term

SS1 Subjects 1st Term include Accounting, Agricultural Science, Biology, Civic Education, Chemistry, Commerce, Computer Science, Computer Studies, Data Processing, Economics, English Language, Geography, Government, Mathematics, Physics, etc



SS1 SUBJECTS SS2 SUBJECTS SS3 SUBJECTS 1ST TERMWhat is Accounting? Accounting is the process of systematically recording, measuring, and communicating information about financial transactions.
At its highest level, accounting sets up the basics of record keeping and a process to track financial accounts according to the following classifications:
1. Assets: These are items owned, purchased, or acquired which have economic value. Note that assets usually include cash and intangible items such as goodwill and patents.
2. Liabilities: These are obligations of the business, to be paid at a later date.
3. Equity: This is found by simply subtracting liabilities from assets.
4. Revenue: This is the amount received from customers in exchange for the goods or services provided. Revenue may be recognized by the company under an accrual or cash basis.
5. Expenses: This is the cost associated with producing the product or service or the assets spent or consumed during a given timeframe.
6. Transactions: These are the financial movements and events within the classifications above.
7. Reporting: Once all of the above business transactions settle, it is the controller’s role to present the net profit or loss for a given time frame. Learn More>>>

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Agricultural Science

SS1 SUBJECTS SS2 SUBJECTS SS3 SUBJECTS 1ST TERMWhat Agriculture? It is the science, art, or practice of cultivating the soil, producing crops, and raising livestock.
Early agriculture was a science whose techniques and lore were transmitted orally. The Romans were the first people to make agriculture a subject for technical discourse and systematically presented. The Romans fostered the notion that the strength of the Republic lay in its small farmers and landowners. Perhaps, this history informs the reason why the headquarters of the Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) is located in Rome. Agriculture is the Foundation of Civilization and a major Economic Booster. Agriculture is all around us. Learn More>>>


HUMAN-RESPIRATORY-SYSTEM-09072020-ADefine Biology: The word biology is derived from the greek words /bios/ meaning /life/ and /logos/ meaning /study/ and is defined as the science of life and living organisms. Biology is the science of life and it deals with the study of living organisms, including their physical structures. More specifically, it is the scientific study of living organisms and their interactions with the environment. An organism is a living entity consisting of one cell e.g. bacteria, or several cells e.g. animals, plants and fungi. Learn More>>>


SECONDARY-SCHOOL-CHEMISTRY-ANAARMWhat is Chemistry? Chemistry is the study of matter, its properties, how and why substances combine or separate to form other substances, and how substances interact with energy. Being able to describe the ingredients in a cake and how they change when the cake is baked is called chemistry. Learn More>>>


SECONDARY-SCHOOL-COMMERCE-ANAARMWhat is Commerce? Commerce is the field of study in which students learn topics related to business, financial information  or transactions, trading of economic values, merchandising and trading.Commerce, as a subject, can be interpreted as the study of business and trade pursuits such as the exchange of goods and services from the producer to the final customer. Learn More>>>

More SS1 Subjects for 1st Term

SS1 SUBJECTS SS2 SUBJECTS SS3 SUBJECTS COMPUTER SCIENCEExplain the term Computer Science Computer science is the study of computer hardware and software. It can also be defined as the study of computer technology including both hardware and software. Learn More>>>

Data Processing


Other SS1 Subjects for 1st Term

SECONADRY-SCHOOL-ECONOMICS-ANAARMDefine Economics: The word ‘economics’ comes from two Greek words, ‘eco’ meaning home and ‘nomos’ meaning accounts. The subject has developed from being about how to keep the family accounts into the wide-ranging subject of today.
Economics can be defined as a social science directed at the satisfaction of needs and wants through the allocation of scarce resources which have alternative uses.We can go further to state that:
1. economics is about the study of scarcity and choice
2. economics finds ways of reconciling unlimited wants with limited resources
3. economics explains the problems of living in communities in terms of the underlying resource costs and consumer benefits
4. economics is about the co-ordination of activities which result from specialisation.Learn More>>>

English Language

SECONDARY-SCHOOL-ENGLISH-LANGUAGE-ANAARMEnglish Language: The term “English” is derived from Anglisc, the speech of the Angles—one of the three Germanic tribes that invaded England during the fifth century. The English language is the primary language of several countries, including Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and many of its former colonies, and the United States, and the second language in a number of multilingual countries, including India, Singapore, and the Philippines.
It’s an official language in several African countries as well, such as Liberia, Nigeria, and South Africa, but is spoken worldwide in more than 100. It’s learned around the world by children in school as a foreign language and often becomes a common denominator between people of different nationalities when they meet while traveling, doing business, or in other contexts. Learn More>>>


SECONDARY-SCHOOL-MATHEMATICS-ANAARMDefine Mathematics: An elementary definition of mathematics is that it is a science that studies and explains numbers, quantities, measurements, and the relations between them.
It can also be defined as the science of numbers and their operations, interrelations, combinations, generalizations, and abstractions and of space configurations and their structure, measurement, transformations, and generalizations. The various branches of mathematics include algebraic, arithmetic, calculus, geometry, trigonometry, statistics, etc. Learn More>>>


SECONDARY-SCHOOL-PHYSICS-ANAARMDefine Physics: Most people hear the word ‘physics’ and run for cover. But it’s not just for rocket scientists! You are surrounded by physics all the time, and whether you realize it or not, you use physics every day. To name a few, we have pressing iron, refrigerators, water dispenser, water pumping machine, electric fan, smart phones, TV sets, computers, printers, etc.

That being said, Physics can be defined as a natural science which deals with the study of matter in relation to energy. Energy encompasses motion and force. Therefore, physics can also be defined as a natural science that studies matter, its motion and the force producing the motion. Learn More>>>

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