SS2 Government 1st Term

SS2 Government First Term Scheme of Work & Lesson Note

Government is a social science subject SS2 students are required to offer in first term. The Unit of Instruction for SS2 Government 1st Term is carefully developed from the Scheme of Work, which in turn is, based on NERDC current curriculum and SSCE syllabus.

SS2 Government First Term main topics are:

Electoral Process, Electoral System, Mass Media, Public Administration, Public Corporation, Local Government System, ETC

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Week 1: 09-09-2024

Electoral Process

A. Definition of Electoral Process
B. Franchise and Suffrage
C. Limitations of Universal Adult Suffrage
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, learners should be able to:
1 Define electoral process.
2 Explain election.
3 Give examples of election process of each country.
4 Define franchise and suffrage.
5 List types of franchise.
6 State the limitations of universal adult suffrage.

Week 2: 16-09-2024

Electoral System

A. Definition and types of electoral system.
B. Merits and demerits of each type of electoral systems.
C. Characteristics of each type of electoral systems.
D. Meaning and types of constituency.
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, learners should be able to:
1 Define electoral system.
2 List and explain different types of electoral system.
3 State the merits and demerits of each type of electoral systems.
4 Identify the characteristics of each type of electoral systems.
5 Explain the meaning of constituency.
6 identify and describe different types of constituency.

Week 3: 23-09-2024

Electoral Process - Elections

A. Organisation of Election
B. Stages of Conducting Election
C. Conditions necessary for the conduct of free and fair election
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, learners should be able to:
1 Explain free and fair election.
2 Describe the features of an election.
3 List the stages of conducting election.
4 State the conditions necessary for the conduct of free and fair election.
5 Discuss the various ways of conducting election in Nigeria.

Week 4: 30-09-2024

Electoral Process - Electoral Commission

A. Electoral commission
B. Roles of electoral commission
C. Features of electoral commission
D. Electoral officials
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, learners should be able to:
1 Define electoral commission.
2 List the functions of electoral commission.
3 Describe the features of electoral commission.
4 State the problems facing electoral commission.
5 Enumerate the roles of the various electoral officials.
6 Name the electoral commission in Nigeria.
7 State past electoral commission in Nigeria.
8 Identify some electoral officials.

Week 5: 07-10-2024

Mass Media

A. Meaning and importance of mass media
B. Impact of mass media in Nigeria politics
C. Interactive session on mass media
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, learners should be able to:
1 Explain the meaning of mass media.
2 Discuss the roles of mass media in the day-to-day running of government.
3 Describe the impact of mass media.
4 Mention various ways of passing out information.
5 Describe meaning of mass media
6 Identify the impact of mass media as watch dog in Nigeria politics.

Week 6: 14-10-2024

Public Administration - Civil Service

A. Civil service
B. Features of civil service
C. Problems of the civil service
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, learners should be able to:
1 Expalin the meaning of civil service.
2 Discuss the features of civil service.
3 List the functions of civil service.
4 Describe the structure of civil service.
5 State the problems confronting civil service in Nigeria.
6 Identify how to prevent corruption in civil service.

Week 7: 21-10-2024

SS2 Government 1st Term Revision and Mid Term Test

Take a Quiz on SS2 Government 1st Term

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1. The following were limitations imposed on traditional rulers under colonial rule except? 2018, Q38


2. The fundamental law of a country refers to it’s —2018, Q14


3. Which of the following is not a factor leading to militant intervention in west African states? 2018, Q45


4. Planning and formulation of government policies are first initiated at? 2018, Q16


5. A federal government is a form of? 2018, Q23


6. Which of the following is a reason for the failure of the assimilation policy in French West Africa? 2018, Q43


7. A system of administration which allowed traditional rulers to rule their people under the supervision of the British officials in West Africa is? 2018, Q39


8. On which of the following grounds can a citizen abstain from voting? 2018, Q33


9. A political system in which the state owns and controls the major means of production is known as? 2018, Q3


10. Which of these is not a source of revenue for political parties? 2018, Q28


Question 1 of 10

Week 8: 28-10-2024

Public Corporation

A. Definition of public corporation
B. Functions of public corporation
C. Organisational structure of public corporation
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, learners should be able to:
1 Explain the meaning of corporation.
2 Identify the purpose for setting up public corporation.
3 State the functions performed by public corporation.
4 Mention some social services that come from government.
5 Draw the organisational chart of public corporation.
6 Mention some basic social services which citizens enjoy from the government.

Week 9: 04-11-2024

Public Corporation

A. Control of public corporation
B. Commercialization
1 State different ways of controlling public corporation.
2 Outline the problems facing public corporation.
3 Define commercialization.
4 Explain privatization.
5 Describe deregularization.
6 State reasons for commercialization.
7 Outline merits and demerits of privatization.

Week 10: 11-11-2024

Local Government System

A. Local government administration
B. Sources of revenue for local government
C. Problems facing local government reform 1976
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, learners should be able to:
1 Define local government.
2 State types of local governments.
3 Identify the functions of local governments.
4 List sources of revenue for local governments.
5 Highlight problems facing local government in Nigeria.

Work in Progress. Please check back. 48

Other Classes are Listed Below
for Government
SS 1 SS 2 SS 3
1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd

Scheme of Work by Topic for:
SS2 Government 1st Term
(Ana Arm Technologies)
Electoral Process
Electoral System
Mass Media
Public Administration
Public Corporation
Local Government System
Online Quiz
Reference Textbooks

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