Apps and Software



Our store front of Apps and Software consist of applications for businesses, schools, children, engineering, design, etc. Each category has a variety of applications to select from as explained below.

We build custom applications based on customer’s request. For example, in construction site project, we developed a PEE-AA or Project Execution, Expenses and Analytics App for construction site management. 

In addition, secondary school apps and software are developed and available based on the school specific requirements and/or plan. A school may decide to take it up gradually by subscribing for a smaller application to serve some selected classes and then later scale it up for the entire student population. For example, the Academic Records Management (ARM) Software is a custom type application that is designed for any number of classes in colleges and secondary schools.

NEW! Exam Questions. Click on
SS2 Biology 2nd Term to get started.

Please always visit our Apps Stores for your Business and/or School Software or you consult us for bespoke apps and software for your needs.

Children's Software

Children’s software include Family Bible Rhymes, Typing Instructor, etc

Microsoft Office

For small businesses, we have various Microsoft Office packages that suit their needs

Anti Virus
Quick Books
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