General Principles and Methods in Education PDE703

General Methods in Education PDE703

The General Principles and Methods in Education PDE703 contains past questions and answers that cover Years 2023, 2022, 2021, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2013 and 2012 | Online Quiz

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PDE 703 Year 2021

2 Explain four (4) ways in which behavioural objectives are of importance to the teaching and learning situations.

PDE 703 Year 2017

Q1 b) ii) How would a teacher apply deprivation punishment in the class for good class control? (8 marks)

Sending an offender out of the class: But this is often not recommended unless the presence of the offender will work strongly against orderliness and effective learning in the class. PDE 703 Pg 49

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PDE 703 Year 2016

Q1 b) Choose any two (2) topics from your area of specilaisation and state one behavioural objective on each topic. (10 marks)

Topic: Heat Energy Measurement
Behavioral objective: At the end of this topic, the students should be able to:
Explain the concept of heat capacity.
Perform calculations involving specific heat capacity.
Topic: Simultaneous equations
Behavioral objective: At the end of this topic, the students should be able to:
Solve simultaneous equations using the method of substitution.
Solve simultaneous equations using the method of elimination.

PDE 703 Year 2015

Q3 b) Enumerate and explain the roles of the teacher in curriculum implementation. (15 marks)

1. The teacher should have a good knowledge of the curriculum.
2. He should translate the curriculum to syllabus and topics which are at the level of each class.
3. He should determine the teaching methods suitable for each topic.
4. He should marry the knowledge of the child and his/her environment with his knowledge of the curriculum in order to create a workable atmosphere for the pupils to learn without fears. PDE 703, Pg 115

PDE 703 Year 2013

Q5 Critically assess any five (5) guidelines for the selection of teaching/learning resources with relevant examples. (25 marks)

PDE 703 Year 2012

Q4. Discuss five (5) major barriers to effective classroom communication.

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