Animal Husbandry is a vocational subject SS1 students are required to study in first term. The Unit of Instruction for SS1 Animal Husbandry 1st Term is carefully developed from the Scheme of Work, which in turn is, based on NERDC current curriculum and SSCE syllabus.
Introduction to Animal Husbandry, Classification of Farm Animals, Anatomy and Physiology of Farm Animals
Definition and Branches of Animal Husbandry
Importance of Farm Animals
BEHAVIOURAL OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1 Define Animal Husbandry.
2 Mention branches of Animal Husbandry.
3 State the career opportunities in Animal Husbandry.
4 State types of Animal Husbandry.
5 Highlight the importance of Farm Animals.
6 List the problems facing Animal Husbandry.
Meaning of Farm Animals
Bases of Classifying Farm Animals
BEHAVIOURAL OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1 Define farm animals.
2 List the different types of farm animals.
3 Classify farm animals according to (a) habitat (b) nature of their alimentary canal or digestive tract (c) uses
4 Define Ruminant animals and give examples.
5 Define Non-ruminant animals and give examples.
6 Classify farm animals based on the nature of their digestive tract and uses.
Meaning of Anatomy and Physiology
Digestive System in Ruminant and Non Ruminant Animals
Differences between Monogastic and Ruminant Systems
Digestion in Ruminants
Digestion in Non-Ruminants (Dig)
BEHAVIOURAL OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1 Differentiate between Anatomy and Physiology
2 Describe digestion in Ruminants and Non Ruminants.
3 Explain the digestive tract of pigs.
4 State the importance of digestive system.
Nervous System (Central Nervous System)
Organs of Farm Animals e.g. Skin
BEHAVIOURAL OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1 Define nervous system.
2 Mention and explain the two parts of mammals nervous system.
3 List and explain all organs of farm animals
4 Highlight the functions of the nervous system.
Kidney (Structure of the Kidney)
Liver (Structure of the Liver)
BEHAVIOURAL OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1 Describe the structure of a kidney.
2 Outline the functions of a kidney.
3 Explain the structure of a liver.
4 List the functions of a liver.
Job Opportunities in Animal Husbandry
BEHAVIOURAL OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1 Define career.
2 Mention and explain different types of job opportunities in Animal Husbandry.
Work in Progress. Check Back Again
Work in Progress. Check Back Again
Work in Progress. Check Back Again
Work in Progress 47