SS2 Scheme of Work 1st Term

SS2 Scheme of Work 1st Term covers subjects such as Commerce scheme of Work, Computer Studies scheme of work, etc. Each subject also has a lesson note prepared in accordance with the secondary school scheme of work.


Commerce Scheme of Work

Theme 1 Associations And Enterprises
1. Career Opportunities
2. Cooperative Societies
3. Public Enterprises
4. Limited Companies
5. Trade Associations and Other enterprises

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Computer Studies Scheme of Work

Theme 1 Basic Concept Of Computer Hardware
1. Central Processing Unit (CPU
2. Memory Unit
Theme 2 Computer Hardware
1. Logic Circuits I (Standard single logic gates)
2. Logic Circuits II (Alternative logic gates)
Theme 3 Basic Computer Operation
1. Computer Data Conversion

Data Processing Scheme of Work

Theme 1 Data Management
1. Types of data models
2. Data modelling
3. Normal forms
4. Entity relationship model
5. Relational modelling
6. File organization
Theme 2 Information Transmission
1. Internet I

English Language Scheme of Work

Theme 1 Vocabulary Development
1. Words Associated with the Human Internal Body System and Function
2. Words Associated with Health
3. Words Associated with Sports
4. Words Associated with Building and Building Construction
5. Words Associated with Environment
6. Word Modifiers
7. Prefixes as Word Extension, making for New Meanings
8. Preservative Prefixes
9. Suffixes
10. Spelling of Words (the use of the dictionary)
Theme 2 Oracy Skills – Listening Comprehension
1. Listening to Answer Questions
2. Listening to Recorded Speeches for Comprehension
3. Listening to Implies Meanings
4. Listening to Poetry for Comprehension/Pleasure
5. Listening to Summarize Speech, Lectures and Note Making
6. Listening to Speeches and other Oral Presentations for Critical Evaluation
7. Listening to Debates and Other Oral Presentations for Critical Evaluation
8. Listening to Debates for main Points and Passing Judgment
9. Listening for Details/Examples

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