Comparative Education PDE720

NTI PgDE Past Questions and Answers for Comparative Education PDE720

Years 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, etc
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Importance of Comparative Education

Critically discuss the relevance of Comparative Education to teachers

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They include the following: Check YEAR 2019 Q2, YEAR 2016 Q1, YEAR 2015 Q2, YEAR 2014 Q2b
a) The study enables teacher to have a philosophical foresight to identify educational problems and proffer solutions to them.
b) The study serves as an eye opener to teachers.
c) The study helps to improve teacher education system.
d) The study helps to assess the educational plan of a nation and makes it open for amendment and further proposal for education system in any nation, ETC.

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2021 (Q2) List five (5) factors that determine national character and explain each of them

2019 (Q4) Compare and contrast the French's style of educational administration with that of British system of education.

Check YEAR 2022 Q4, YEAR 2014 Q4
a) Britain and France were essentially trading nations.
b) Both France and Britain were guilty of racial discrimination.
c) British and France colonial powers wanted Africans to allow them stay permanently as overlords, if they so wished.
a) The French had a stronger political hold on their colonies than the British.
b) French assimilation policy sought to remove the educated elites from the common fold and elevate them to the status of French citizenship while British encouraged colonized educated elites to return to their own people.

2017 (Q1) What is the rationale behind the inclusion of Comparative Education in teacher education programme? (25 marks)

    • The study enables teacher to have a philosophical foresight to identify educational problems and proffer solutions to them.
    • The study serves as an eye opener to teachers.
    • The study helps to improve teacher education system.
    • The study helps to assess the educational plan of a nation and makes it open for amendment and further proposal for education system in any nation.
    • The study helps to initiate an education system that will accelerate the much needed development to match with the growth in technology.
    • The study provides the weaker nations a base to stand and start doing something to improve their struggling educational systems. (PDE 720 P114)

2015 (Q3) Discuss eight (8) factors responsible for the character and development of education of a nation

    • Historical factor: The educational outlook and growth of a people cannot be disassociated with their historical experience. A people with a history of constant wars may focus on the acquisition of military skills whereas a people with a history of productive enterprise and rich trading activities may train for acquisition of many skills.
    • Economic factor: The economy usually supports the education, and education usually supports the economy. A wealthy nation can encourage educational development. If a country so wish, it can pursue any educational programme with its wealth.

The economy of a nation determines her wealth or level of poverty. Some countries such as America and Japan are wealthy because of their technological growth while Germany and Sweden are economically buoyant because of their industrial growth. Some other nations are wealthy because of their strategic positions for international trade, e.g. Greece. Nigeria is a rich nation in Africa because of her crude oil. (PDE 720 P122)

2013 (Q3 A) Explain the meaning of comparative education.

Comparative education has been defined in various ways as follows:

    • It is a field that studies the educational similarities and differences prevailing within a particular society or culture or among various societies and cultures.
    • It is a fully established academic field of study that examines education in one country (or group of courses) by using data and insights drawn from the practices and situations in another country or countries.
    • It is an examination of various educational systems based on their comparative worthiness.
    • It means the comparative analysis of educational structure, components and the examinations of existing strategies, via policy making and implementation in the society. (PDE 720 P106)

Kindly watch the video on the meaning, definition and and explanation of comparative education.

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