Adult and Non-Formal Education PDE721

NTI PgDE Past Questions and Answers for Adult and Non-Formal Education PDE721

Years 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, etc
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Challenges of Distance Education programme in Nigeria

Discuss five (5) problems encountered in Distance Education programme in Nigeria.

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Problems encountered in distance education in Nigeria: Check YEAR 2021 Q4, YEAR 2020 Q4, YEAR 2018 Q5b, YEAR 2016 Q5b, YEAR 2015 Q1b
a) Non-provision and late delivery of course materials: Materials are not supplied promptly to learners. These course materials are the central learning implements in distance education. When they are not produced or not sent at the appropriate time, students resort to engaging local tutors and lectures. Also, the annual face-to-face meeting then forms the participants teaching medium. In such case, the distance learning system degenerates to face-to-face sandwich programme.
b) Non-use of multimedia: For meaningful distance teaching of vocational and science subjects, the use of television is important. At the moment, few (if any) of the public distance institutions make use of television.
c) Ill-equipped study centres: Study centres are venues where distant learners ought to meet rather regularly with other learners and local tutors. They should be stocked with relevant reference books and teaching aids. Hardly any distance learning system in the country operates adequately equipped study centres and yet these are important activity centres, ETC.

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2021 (Q1) Write detailed notes on the following: i. Formal Education ii. Non-Formal Education iii. Continuing Education

2019 (Q1) Discuss any five (5) goals and purposes of Adult and Non-formal Education in contemporary Nigeria.

Note that when an adult does not see immediate gain or knowledge, he/she is likely to leave the programme. Thus, the goals and purposes of adult and non–formal education in contemporary Nigerian society, as in many other societies of the world should be to contribute to … Check YEAR 2021 Q5, YEAR 2016 Q1, YEAR 2015 Q4

2014 (Q1 a) What is rural development?

Rural development is the overall improvement in the lot of persons who do not dwell in the cities or urban areas.
In other words, it is concerned with improving the infrastructures in the rural areas, touching the occupations of the people concerned and also affects aspects of their lives.

2013 (Q1 a) Explain the concept of Adult Education

The concept of adult education has different meaning to different scholars as seen below.

    • It means all facets of education for those who have left primary and secondary schools.
    • It is the basic literacy education for adults.
    • It is the learning experience designed for adult irrespective of content, level and methods used.
    • It is the education that is consciously planned for the adult who do not have access to formal education.
    • It embraces learning undertaken voluntarily by people in their mature years.
    • It includes mass education, community development, vocational training and basic education aimed at training the adults for his/her duties as a citizen of his/her state

2013 (Q1 b) Give brief explanation of lifelong education using relevant examples

Kindly watch the video on Lifelong Learning.

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