Educational Supervision and Inspection PDE716

NTI PgDE Past Questions and Answers for Educational Supervision and School Inspection PDE716

Years 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, etc
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Quality Assurance in Schools

School inspection is an integral component of Quality Assurance in Schools. Justify four reasons.

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The Inspector’s Manual (FME, 2001) advanced the following reasons for school inspection: Check YEAR 2021 Q2, YEAR 2019 Q4, YEAR 2016 Q6b, YEAR 2013 Q1, YEAR 2013 Q3, YEAR 2011 Q1b
a) It serves as an external agent that helps teachers to assess their work.
b) It assists poorly trained and incompetent teachers to improve on their jobs.
c) It helps monitoring and maintaining minimum standards at all levels of education.
d) Reports arising from school inspections make it possible for the quality of education offered in one school and the standard attained to be compared with the quality and standard in a similar school elsewhere in the country.
e) It helps to improve teaching and learning, ETC.

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2021 (Q6) Justify with reasons why follow-up inspection is necessary

2019 (Q4) Identify and discuss the rationale for school inspection.

The Inspector’s Manual (FME, 2001) advanced the following reasons for school inspection : Check YEAR 2022 Q2, YEAR 2021 Q2, YEAR 2016 Q6b, YEAR 2013 Q1, YEAR 2013 Q3, YEAR 2011 Q1b
a) It serves as an external agent that helps teachers to assess their work.
b) It assists poorly trained and incompetent teachers to improve on their jobs.
c) It helps monitoring and maintaining minimum standards at all levels of education.
d) Reports arising from school inspections make it possible for the quality of education offered in one school and the standard attained to be compared with the quality and standard in a similar school elsewhere in the country.
e) It helps to improve teaching and learning.
f) Inspections reveal the strength and weaknesses of a school with a view to: (i) improving teaching and learning (ii) assisting in the development of needed teaching competencies.
g) It examines continuously school instructional goals and assesses teachers’ performances on meeting such goals.
h) It helps interpret school programmes to the community.
i) The Ministry of Education and the teachers are linked through Inspection visits.

2016 (Q1 a) Prepare an observation sheet for teaching during inspection. (15 marks)

Classroom observation: Of all the various aspects of the activities of a school that comes within an inspector’s purview, none calls for greater caution and tact than classroom observation. The following are the components of learning on which an inspector should focus while assessing the effectiveness of the way a subject is taught in a school:

    • The teacher’s mastery of the subject
    • Mode of presentation
    • Ability of the teacher to stimulate and retain learners’ interest
    • Class participation
    • Use of teaching aids (where applicable) (PDE 716 P232)

2014 (Q2 a) Describe the four (4) steps or methods of inspection

The inspector may supplement his assessment by evaluating the teacher’s performance on the basis of the “Four-step Method of Instruction” explained below:

    • Preparation: Is there clear evidence of advanced preparation for the lesson on the part of the teacher and has he developed a receptive and responsive attitude on the part of the learners?
    • Presentation: This refers to the actual teaching process.
    • Application: This refers to the layout stage of teaching.
    • Follow-up: This is the assessment stage of teaching. (PDE 716 P233)

2011 (Q2 a) Discuss the expected roles of an inspector of education.

    • To provide the minister with a knowledge of institutions and their potentialities and with expert views on educational matters.
    • To assess and report on the efficiency of an institution by inspection.
    • To offer all possible assistance to teachers in maintaining educational progress.
    • To supervise, assess and report on the arrangements for the training of teachers.
    • To maintain a thorough knowledge of educational developments through study, research and travel and advance educational progress by the compilation of pamphlets and handbooks on general or particular aspects of education
    • To establish and maintain relations with local and national industrial and commercial enterprises and professional bodies so as to enable the Minister to secure training schemes suitable in type and volume to their needs.
    • To provide advisory roles to the teachers, school heads and other stakeholders in education.
    • To evaluate schools so that specific standard in teaching are achieved.
    • To assess school organization and administration.
    • To ensure that the quality of education is maintained.
      Education Inspection Framework (EIF)
      Kindly watch the video on education inspection framework.

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