Introduction to Educational Technology PDE717

NTI PgDE Past Questions and Answers for Introduction to Educational Technology PDE717

Years 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, etc
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Operations in Educational Technology

Discuss Educational Technology outlining the various operations carried out in the field.

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Educational Technology is concerned with “designing the system as a whole such as: (i) identifying aims and objectives, (ii) planning the learning environment, (iii) exploring and structuring the subject matter, (iv) selecting appropriate teaching strategies and learning media, (v) evaluating the effectiveness of the learning system and (vi) using the insights gained from evaluation to improve that effectiveness for the future”. (Rowntree, D. 1974:2). Check YEAR 2019 Q1a
The various operations carried out in the field include:
a) Identifying aims and objectives.
b) Planning the learning environment.
c) Exploring and structuring the subject matter.
d) Selecting appropriate teaching strategies and learning media, ETC.

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2021 (Q5) Critically examine the six (6) steps/procedures in the systematic planning for the use of media using the ASSURE model.

2014 (Q5) List and discuss the ASSURE Model in a systematic planning and use in instruction.

Kindly watch the video on ASSURE MODEL | Technology for Teaching and Learning.

2019 (Q2 b) Highlight seven (7) characteristics of 'Multimedia'.

The multimedia or learning kit has the following characteristics : Check YEAR 2022 Q2b
i. It is a collection of learning materials, methods and activities that is integrated in such a way as to achieve the specified objectives.
ii. It involves more than one medium.
iii. It is organised around a learning experience, topic, unit or module.
iv. It can be used with or without the teacher.
v. It could be used for a whole class or for group or independent study.
vi. The components of the learning kit may be used together at the same time or one after the other.
vii. The multimedia kit may be teacher-made or commercially-made.
viii. The learning kit may contain clearly defined objectives that are stated and supported with suggested teaching strategies for using the materials in the kit.
ix. Multi-media (Learning) kits stimulate active participation, encourage individualized, multi-sensory learning and help to make learning meaningful, exciting and enjoyable.

2014 (Q1) Briefly discuss any five (5) functions of educational technology. (25 marks).

Imogie (1985) quoting Armsey and Dahl (1973) summarized the functions of educational technology as follows:
1. To improve instruction (qualitative)
2. To educate more people (qualitative)
3. To learn about learning (research)
4. To reform the curriculum (substance)
5. To improve the process (method)
6. To articulate the system (structure)
(PDE717 Pg 19)

2013 (Q2 a) Define a computer.

A computer is a set of electronic devices designed to work together to accomplish input, processing and output functions in order to accomplish tasks desired by a user.

2011 (Q1 a) What are media?

In a nutshell, media are means of communication.
Media are channels through which messages, information, ideas and knowledge are conveyed and/or disseminated.
Medium (singular of media) refers to anything that carries information between a source and a receiver

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Introduction to Educational Technology PDE 717 Past Questions and Answers

2022 | 2021 | 2019 | 2017 | 2014 | 2013 | 2011 | 2009 | Online Quiz

ACTIVITY Questions from PDE 717 Module

2019 (Q2 b) Highlight seven (7) characteristics of 'Multimedia'.

2014 (Q1) Briefly discuss any five (5) functions of educational technology. (25 marks).

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