SS1 Economics Lesson Notes

SS1 Economics Lesson Notes

Ana Arm
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SS1 Economics Lesson Notes cover First Term (1st Term), Second Term (2nd Term) and Third Term (3rd Term) scheme of work.

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Topics covered in the NERDC curriculum are listed below.
Theme 1 Principles Of Economics
1. Meaning of Economics and related concepts
2. Basic tools of Economic Analysis
3. Concept of Demand and Supply
4. Theory of Production
Theme 2 Economic Systems
1. Basic Economics Problems of Society
Theme 3 Business Organizations
1. Firms & Industry

Theme 4 Population, Labour Market And Human Capital Development
1. Population
2. Labour Market
Theme 5 Structure Of The Nigerian Economy
1. The Nature of the Nigerian Economy
2. Agriculture
3. Mining
Theme 6 Financial Institutions And Regulatory Agencies
1. Meaning of Financial institutions

Theme 7 Money And Inflation/Deflation
1. Money: meaning, characteristics and Functions
Theme 8 Distributive Trade
1. Channels of Distribution
Theme 9 Business Finance
1. Instruments of Business Finance

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