Solar Power Quiz


Think you know PV from CSP?
Take our quiz to show off your solar smarts!
Put your brainpower to the test with our solar energy quiz!

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1. According to investment firm Lazard, the cost of electricity from new utility-scale photovoltaic systems was between $32 and $42 per MWh in 2019. How does that compare to the cost from coal power plants? ASME


2. Of all new generating capacity added to the U.S. electrical grid in 2015, what percentage was solar?


3. When batteries are to be used simply for power conditioning, the most suitable type to be seriously considered is — P219


4. What was the average gross cost per watt for a solar PV system in the U.S. by the end of 2016?


5. The following can be used as general terms to describe the electromagnetic radiation emitted by the sun except?


Question 1 of 5

Our solar power quiz is designed to test your knowledge on the different components that make up a solar photovoltaic system. Take a Quiz

Ana Arm
Author: Ana Arm

Estd. 2013

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