Learning Resources

Learning Resources eLibrary e-Library

Learning Resources and e-Library

Learning resources for knowledge-seeking humanity have come a long way from traditional publishing to automated archiving and now to digital library (or e-Library). Also, it is no longer an under statement that there has been a subtle cultural shift in reading habits among learners across different categories. Many learners are now more inclined to digital media than hard book content. Visit our e-books collection here to enjoy your digital learning.

Digital media - the new trend for readers

People are now reading more through electronic access. The trend is likely to continue into the near future. This prediction is hinged on the assumption that if one grows up reading online, chances are good that one will continue to read online when older. But what has fueled the transitional shift from traditional library to digital learning resources? Read more on the factors that favour digital learning. You can also check our list of senior secondary school textbooks here.

NTI PgDE Past Q & A Click on
First Semester to get started.

Factors that favour digital learning resources (e-Library)

Digital library (or e-Library) is increasingly appealing to modern day learners for several reasons. To mention a few, users are becoming increasingly intolerant to traditional materials because digital searching is becoming so easy, inexpensive, fast and making information ubiquitous.

Again, it is inarguable that through digital process, a given information can be presented in different formats ranging from images, rich-content, videos, audios to a wide range of users more easily and conveniently and at a cheaper cost. Besides, the audience that can be reached at a given time is usually large if not unlimited.

Because of these advantages and the future it holds for digital learners, many institutions are adopting digital library. At anaarm.com, we provide digital library solutions both online and offline. Kindly contact us for for information. You can also browse our collections below.

Features of our digital learning resources (e-Library)

They include setup, cataloguing, categorisation and library branch. We cover various fields of study including industrial automation, mechatronics, robotics, electronics, chemistry, physics, etc. Click any of the categories to view our top collections.

e-Library and Learning Resources

Senior Schools
Solar Electricity

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