SS1 Scheme of Work 1st Term

SS1 Scheme of Work 1st Term covers subjects such as Economics scheme of Work, Government scheme of work, etc. Each subject also has a lesson note prepared in accordance with the secondary school scheme of work.


Economics Scheme of Work

Theme 1 Principles Of Economics
1. Meaning of Economics and related concepts
2. Basic tools of Economic Analysis
3. Concept of Demand and Supply
4. Theory of Production
Theme 2 Economic Systems
1. Basic Economics Problems of Society
Theme 3 Business Organizations
1. Firms & Industry

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Government Scheme of Work

Theme 1 Political Concepts And Principles
1. Defining government: characteristic and functions of government
2. Government as a process or art of governing
3. Government as an academic field of study
4. Basic concepts: power
5. Authority
6. Legitimacy
7. Sovereignty
8. Democracy
9. Political culture and political socialization
10. Communalism
11. Feudalism
12. Capitalism
13. Socialism
14. Oligarchy
15. Communism
16. Facism
17. Totalitarianism
18. Types and characteristic of government: unitary government
19. Federal government
20. Presidential system of government
21. Parliamentary or cabinet system of government

Civic Education Scheme of Work

Theme 1 Our Values
1. Values
Theme 2 Emerging Issues
1. Hiv/ aids
2. Youth empowerment
Theme 3 Citizenship
1. Goals of citizenship education
Theme 4 Representative Democracy
1. Characteristic of democracy

English Language Scheme of Work

Theme 1 Vocabulary Development
1. Vocabulary Associated with Home and Family
2. Vocabulary Associated with Agriculture
3. Vocabulary Associated with Fishing and Animal Husbandry-Fishing
4. Vocabulary Associated with Animal Husbandry
5. Vocabulary Associated with Religion – Traditional Religion
6. Vocabulary Associated with Religion – Christian Religion
7. Vocabulary Associated with Religion – Islamic Religion
8. Other Expressions Associated with Religion
9. Antonyms As words (i) Exactly Opposite in Meaning (ii) Nearly Opposite in Meaning
10. Synonyms As words (i) With the same Meaning (ii) Nearly same in Meaning
11. Words Associated with Profession – Advertising
12. Words Associated with Profession – Stock Exchange
13. Spelling of Commonly Misspelt words and the use of the dictionary
Theme 2 Oracy Skills – Spoken English
1. Selected consonant sounds (j,z, etc)
2. Consonants followed by /w/
3. Consonants followed by /j/
4. Syllabic consonants /l/
5. Words of two syllables, stressed on the second syllable
6. Consonants sounds followed by K + W
7. Consonants followed by /J/ and /U/ sounds
8. Words of three syllables stressed on first, second or third syllables
9. Words of four syllables stressed on first, second or third syllables
10. Stress timing in English Sentences; correct phrasing and voice modulation in continuous prose reading
11. Oral Composition skills I; Narrative & Descriptive
12. Oral Composition skills II; Expository & Argumentative
13. Speaking to persuade/convince

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