Topic: Non-Life Insurance Products
Instructional Objectives – At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
1 State when a policy holder is expected to prove his insurable interest in the following classes of insurance: (i) Burglary insurance; (ii) Marine insurance; (iii) Life assurance. (SSCE 2018 Q2b)
2 Explain a fidelity guarantee insurance policy. (SSCE 2018 Q3a)
3 List and explain the four types of policies in fidelity guarantee insurance. (SSCE 2018 Q3b)
4 Outline three types of policy in motor insurance. (SSCE 2017 Q6a)
Learn so well from SS1 Insurance 1st Term Online Classes.
5 List and explain three scopes of cover in motor insurance. (SSCE 2017 Q6b)
6 State three marine perils. (SSCE 2016 Q2a)
7 List and explain three types of cover available under marine insurance. (SSCE 2016 Q2b)